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Model R-460 WireMaster
The WireMaster Mole is a lightweight machine designed to install invisible dog fencing in one easy operation.
The WireMaster Mole is a lightweight machine designed to install invisible dog fencing in one easy operation. It digs a trench from 2”-4” deep, installs wire at the bottom of the trench, and covers the trench – all simultaneously, with a minimum of turf disturbance.

The Model R-460 provides the lightweight maneuverability and power you need to install low voltage wiring. Features 5.5 HP Honda or 5.5 Kohler Engine.
Model R-460 Features
•  Engine: Honda GX160 – 5.5 HP or Kohler CH255 – 5.5 HP
•  Rate Up to 25 feet per minute
•  Depth 2, 3 and 4 inches (Adjustable)
•  1-year limited warranty: Commercial and Rental
•  Rotor is fully enclosed
•  Minimum turf damage
•  Rubber hood for easy dirt buildup removal
•  Pull unit, allowing legs to do the work
•  Remove one nut to change rotor
•  Light weight: 95 pounds
•  Maneuverable for making turns
•  Installs wire up to 25 feet per minute, depending on soil conditions
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